'GRE'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. 2015.11.05 Arugument 44
  2. 2015.05.11 BigBook Step2
  3. 2015.05.11 Big Book 1step

Arugument 44

GRE 2015. 11. 5. 09:06

In this argument, the speaker concludes that Forsyhe citizens have adopted healthier lifestyles. To justify this conclusion the seaker cites a recent survey of Forsythe citizens suggesting that their eating habits now conform more closely to government nutritional recommendations than they did ten years ago. The speaker also points out that sales of kiran, a substance known to reduce choleterol, have increased fourfold, while sales of sulia, which few of Forsythe's healthiest citizens eat regularly, have been declining. This argument is unpersuasive for several reasons.

First, the surbey must be shown to be reliable before Ican accept any conclusions based upon it. Specifically, the responses must be accurate, and the respondents must be statiscally significant in number and representative of the overall Forsthe  citizenry in terms 

Posted by MIDDLE

BigBook Step2

GRE/Big Book 2015. 5. 11. 17:35

1. In the british theater under thirty-five have not had much trouble getting recognition onstage, but offstage - in the ranks of playwrights, directors, designers, administrators - they have mostly been relegated to relative obsurity.

2. An institution concerned about its reputation is at the mercy of the actions of its members, because the misdeeds of individuals are often used to discredit the institutions of which they are a part.

3. Since many casual smokers develop lung cancer and many heavy smokers do not, scientists believe that individuals differ in their susceptibility to the cancer-causing agens known to be present in cigarette smoke.

4. We accepted the theory that as people become more independent of one another, they begin to feel so isolated and lonely that freedom becomes a negative condition that most will seek to escape.

5.If animal parents were judged by human standards, the cuckoo would be one of nature's more feckless creatures, blithely laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, and leaving the incubating and nurturing to them.

6. The current penchant for touting a product by denigrating a rival, named in the adventisement by brand name, seems somewhat foolhardy: suppose the consumer remembers only the rival's name?

7. His imperturbability in the face of evidence indicating his deliberate fraud failed to reassure supporters of his essential probity; instead, it suggested a talent for guile that they had never suspected.

1. Although providing wild chimpanzees with food makes them less shy and easier to study. it is also known to disrupt their normal social patterns.

2. There is something incongruous about the way the building of monasteries proliferated in eighteenth-century Bavaria while in the rest of the Western would religious ardor was diminishing and church building was consequently declining.

3. Because they had various meanings in nineteenth century biological thought, "mechanism" and "vitalism" ought not to be considered univocal terms; thus I find the recent insistence that the terms had single definitions to be entirely erroneous.

4. Many Americans believe that individual initiative epitomized the 1890's and see the entrepreneur as the personfication of that age.

5. Neither the ideas of philosophers nor the practices of ordinary people can, by themselves, transform reality; what in fact changes reality and kindles revolution is the interplay of the two.

'GRE > Big Book' 카테고리의 다른 글

Big Book 1step  (0) 2015.05.11
Posted by MIDDLE

Big Book 1step

GRE/Big Book 2015. 5. 11. 13:29

1. Nonviolent demonstrations often create such tensions, that a community that has constantly refused to acknowledge Its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices can no longer be ignored.

2. Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen's novels has oscillated between adoration and condescension; but in general later writers have esteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary contemporaries.

3. There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been exhausted to the extent that they no longer interest ecologists.

4. Under ethical guidelines recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genes are to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which alternative treatments are unsatisfactory.

5. It was her view that the country's problems had been  exacerbated by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.

6. Winsor McCay, the cartoonist, could draw with incredible virtuosity: his comic strip about Little Nemo was characterized by marvelous draftsmanship and sequencing.

7. The actual rigdity of Wilson's position was always betrayed by his refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.

1. The senator's reputation, though shaken by false allegations of misconduct, emerged from the ordeal unscathed.

2. This poetry is not provincial; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly regional themes.

3. Experienced employers recognize that business students who can assimilate differenct points of view are ultimately more effective as managers than are the brilliant and original students who adhere dogmatically to their own formulations.

4. Poe's insightful reviews of contemporary fiction, which often find great merit in otherwise unappreciated literary gems, must make us repect his critical judgment in addition to his well-known literary talent.

5. The significance of the manga carata lies no in its specific provisions, but in its broader impact: it made the king subject to the law.

6. The theory of cosmic evolution states that the universe, having begun in a state of simplicity and homogeneity, has differentiated into great variety.

7. Not wishing to appear presumptuous, the junior member of the research group refrained from venturing any criticism of the senior member's plan for dividing up responsibility for the entire project.

'GRE > Big Book' 카테고리의 다른 글

BigBook Step2  (0) 2015.05.11
Posted by MIDDLE